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7 Personal Tips On How to Find Success Ferarri Fast

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The Wise Mind
The Wise Mind

7 Personal Tips On How to Find Success Ferarri Fast  Ferrari-fast-car-allurre-wang-success-luxlivin

Ok, I’ve decided to launch a series of articles on “How to attract success, Ferarri Fast“. I hope you and I both consider that a brilliantly creative title, since that was my main inspirational jolt to producing these articles. Hm, why not Bugatti Fast? because it doesn’t sound good.

In each pillar entries, there will be 7 pivotal points that I’ve found immensely effective from experience on how to find success, all which are readily applicable.

Hopefully, when you’ve fully digested and internalized every installment (not sure how many there’ll be), you’ll know how to find success faster than you have imagined.

To begin with, I’d like disclose with you my definition of success.

The reason why I think most people “don’t feel successful” is because they overestimate or misinterpret what it really construes. The term is often exaggerated.

If you don’t know how to perceive or manage your expectation of what “success” means to you, it can be a crippling factor holding you back from it.

To some, surviving in violent bullet-ridden neighborhoods and getting through the day alive or unscathed is success. To some, earning their first 100 dollars online equal success. To some, finding a new partner to sleep with weekly makes them feel successful.

Success is relative and subjective. It is judged by you, and never should be validated by others.

Your success benchmark is something you should always be setting, and resetting. You will always have a checklist of things you want to succeed in.

Keep stacking them, and steadily aim for something greater when you’re ready. The key is to start somewhere, don’t set your sights too far, and rack up the milestones one-by-one. Rescale the magnitude of your goals if you must. Start small and scale things up (more on this on point #2).

You should never run out of things to pile onto that checklist – which is a good sign, as it means you’ll be staying hungry for more.

Regardless, success is definitely possible.

Now let’s proceed over to tip numero uno.

1. Winning and achieving success is all about attaining a white hot laser-beam focus and uncrackable commitment. It’s about hard-wiring your mental and physical state for constant action, growth, and sacrifice from the meaningless + superficial. It’s about following up.

It’s having the “Assume success” attitude – backed by a relentless determination to win. Being focused isn’t temporary, it should be a lifestyle. It’s waking up earlier, so you get more of that 24 hours in a day.

It’s being cool with sacrificing weekend night outs to the clubs, getting pissed drunk, and therefore skipping out on a day of potential work-in-progress due to the hangover.

2 . Focus on what really matters. “Focus” is probably my favorite word. You may want to make it yours too.

Your focus should not be on the past highlights and victories. Don’t be vacuumed into the hopeless abyss of past failures either.

Don’t focus or tend to anything that is irrelevant and out the scope of your goals.

Most importantly, don’t focus on anything negative. Most people by default, focus on the negatives. It’s easier to bitch and whine about how life is unfair. It’s easy to give up, sit there, and do nothing. Life will always throw your curve balls, just bat it out the fucking field.

3. Small successes breeds bigger ones. Again, start with infant-steps. When you gain a steady string of tangible rewards or sense of accomplishments, your brain and spirit becomes more encouraged and motivated to move positively forward. You pick up this powerful self-encouragement “momentum” that keeps you pushing up, up, and up.

The Roman empire wasn’t built in one day. Kanye West did not earn super producer status and become a music sensation overnight. Thriving businesses didn’t get a taste of profit until after hours on end of dedication and investment (time, money, energy).

Before you can make a million, make your first hundred bucks. Then scale it up to 1 grand, then 10K. Soon, making a million will be a breeze.

Get used to starting small, then scaling things up. Be patient and practice patience – as it is easy to lose it. It makes life a lot easier. That “big dream” will soon be within arms reach, and to be frank, this is how you get shit done.

If you’re an aspiring soccer player, work on your dribble and footwork first. Once you’ve mastered that feat, sharpen your shooting. Then enhance your body coordination, long passes, cardiovascular threshold, show-stopping tricks and so on.

Soon, you may be scouted for the English Premier League – who knows.

When I’m writing my books (I have 3 lined up the moment), I focus on one book at a time, fragmenting that particular book to even smaller segments by focusing on one paragraph at a time. Eventually, I’d fill up a page.

This way, I am never weighed down by the overburdening pressure of having three books to juggle simultaneously.

To add: Move at your own pace. Some people are quick learners and skill developers.

When it comes to writing, I never force the content – it makes writing unpleasant and stressful. If any new ideas spring to mind, I record it right away on my blackberry. Lots of new useful content and epiphanies were born when on the move.

Find your own suitable pace that you can manage. Then up the tempo.

Of course, not every writer gets the privilege of not dealing with dreadful deadlines – that’s why I’ve learned to market and publish my own shit!

So in short, break your goals into small achievable chunks.

4. Risk playing to your passions and strengths.

Yes… you hear it all the time. Some of you may consider this a double-edge sword. But the passion-to-riches talk and theory is not misguiding or false. As long as you’re passionate about something that has a “market” out there for it, you will not die penniless.

Find the intersection of your passion and the needs of the market. What do you like that also interests other people?

The secret is this: If you are doing something that “benefits” others, you will make money.

You need passion to “keep you up” at night, take your mind off the necessary long hours, to give you the “inner fight” through the thick and thin, to keep you going. To me, it is an asset in itself.

If you don’t love your job, quit it. If it doesn’t pay your bills, you should’ve quit long ago. If your salary cannot support the lifestyle you want, awaken your inner entrepreneur and think multiple income streams.

The reality is: We’re all good at something already. Some people are just too modest and hard on themselves to admit it (which is good, but bad if you don’t realize your potency). Some fear working alone.

So play on your strengths and make some money from it! If you’re not good at anything, or if you’re only good at things that don’t translate to the big money you want (playing chess, flying kites, sketching the blades of grass on your front yard), self-educate and develop a new skill!

One of the greatest gifts of being human is the ability to evolve and learn. Be thankful for this. Even professional skateboarders nowadays can make a living from what they do.

Just keep yourself in check and don’t just be blinded by what you love to do, but see how your skill, can fulfill the needs of others.

5. Keep your self happy & fit. You need to be in a constant state of happiness and calm in order to make quick progress.

If you’re depressed, not only do you not get enough sleep (or maybe you oversleep and wish you never woke up), what you will be lacking is that prerequisite flame in your belly and drive to storm forward – like a fvcking Ferrari.

Hm, due to the many Ferrari referencing already, maybe I’ll contact them for some compensation. I kid.

What I’m trying to say is – you really need to have a strong passion for your occupation – this way, so you’ll be more patient and more likely to endure the difficult times without complaining – since you’re having fun while you’re at it.

No matter how bad you think you have it now, someone else has had it worse, and fought tooth-and-nail to succeed in spite of it.

Learning to be more appreciative and grateful will bridge you to that ever elusive happiness state. Count your blessings. Learn to find joy in the smallest moments.

Be happy that you’re not famished like the vast majority of population in Africa. Be happy that you’re not on a slave ship, or the one cleaning it’s floorboard.

Be happy that you have the inner resources and strength to actually get whatever life has to offer.

You know you’ve found pure bliss, when you don’t need a good reason to be happy.

Essentially, what you think will become your reality. The truth behind this adage is easily understood on the surface, but most people don’t respond to it positively by taking advantage of it!

You also need to keep yourself physically fit. When you feel “good” in your own body, you’re bound to be more confident, thus happier. This means you should be exercising. Your body doesn’t care how busy your schedule is, it needs to exercise.

Your body is your most vital business partner and instrument to success.

By exercising, your body also releases a flood of endorphins (chemicals that make you feel peaceful & happy). You will sleep better and wake up more rejuvenated – ready to pound into the day.

You can easily gain a real sense of accomplishment and pride by setting goals like running a lap. Get yourself into that positive loop.

So, if you see a frail goat or blue whale every time you look in the mirror, you know what to do.

6. Find the right social circle. Although you should “see the best in everyone” and not be a typical American-born cynic, steer yourself clear from the negatively charged people. They are a vortex of trouble.

You know who they are. Don’t hate or blame them – just stay away from them. They can only sidetrack and suck the motivational adrenaline out of you.

Surround yourself with like-minded people. You want to roll and race with the best. Model yourself like the best. Raise your standards. “Raise the bar” are three words you should be delighted to hear.

Whatever you want to accomplish, I’m sure someone out there has done it already. Gravitate and find out how they made it.

If you’re starting out alone and have no one to turn to, start your own “Winner’s Circle”. It’s good to be around people that are chasing the same dreams. They can be your biggest motivation and council.

7. Fall in love with the process of personal development. Wake up everyday to eat knowledge for breakfast. Order more knowledge intake for lunch, and different flavors of knowledge for dinner.

Swallow your ego and find someone to teach you with the necessary trade to take you to the next level.

The more you know, the more bullshit you can sift through. The less mistakes and wrong turns you’ll take.

This way you, you can really “focus” on what really matters.

Part 2 coming soon!

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