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'*' 5 Golden P’s on How To Get Girls Consistently

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The Wise Mind
The Wise Mind

'*' 5 Golden P’s on How To Get Girls Consistently  Andrew-wang-allurre-absolute-dating-tips-5-ps

Here’s a quick checklist on the highly sought-after qualities all men should possess when it comes down to how to get girls with your inner game. Now, don’t just skim through this entry and acknowledge the defining 5 P’s; You should memorize, adopt and apply the golden nuggets on what you’re about to discover.

1. Persistence
2. Patience
3. Perseverance
4. Positive mindset
5. Planning

Persistence. Whenever you get rejected, when a girl flakes on you, when you encounter last minute resistance, or when things don’t go accordingly, do not feel as if the world is collapsing.

Be immune to those destructive fleeting doubts of “Oh… I’m just not good enough for her.” Hold yourself together, keep your chin up, chest out.

Persist by moving forward with constant unshakable cool and dignity. Smile, cheerfully and tell yourself “everything’s all good.” Girl problems should never be a problem for a real man.

Of course, assess what you may have done wrong (or what wasn’t working), and correct your faux pauses, don’t take them lightly or overlook them.

Experiment, learn, grow, and game with Herculean persistence. Empowering yourself with more knowledge on how to get girls and gaining more field-experience will help skyrocket your dating success.

Patience. Professional dating instructors and pick up artists all resemble in one way: they have patience. When patience is part of your nature, you destroy the “neediness” in you, thus making you non-outcome dependent.

However, waiting to long to physically escalate is something you should avoid. The secret to how to get more girls is that when you can object to instant gratifications, you entire being will be at ease,

Don’t force or rush the process of attraction. Just be an attractive man. How exactly? Focus on your social worth, net worth, self-development, career. The more reasons why a woman would want to be with you, the more attractive you are as a man.

This is one of the biggest pivotal realizations most men will experience on how to get girls. Everything will unfold more quickly to your favor than expected when you are patient. When you’re patient with results, your speed of success accelerates at quantum levels.

Perseverance. This trait ties closely with being persistent. When you get knocked down, insulted, be glad it happens now and that you can recover. Don’t ever let a woman bruise your ego or self-image. Leonardo Divinci said it best: “Obstacles od not bend you.” Every obstacle can be destroyed through vigor.

In fact, you should never rely on external sources to feed your inner confidence. The principle to success applies also dating: Never quit, never give up. Adversity is opportunity for growth. It’s a numbers game, and not every woman is going to be a good fit for you.

Positive Mindset. A positive emotional, spiritual, and mental state will automatically give you that hard-to-resist energy; also known as charisma. Being able to associate yourself as a source of fun and enriching energy plays a key factor on how to get girls.

All women can feel and sense this immediately, and they always respond positively to it. They want it like a coffee addict needs his fix.

Planning. Before any outings with your date, know like the back of your hand what you’re going to do. Prepare an itinerary full of excitement and fun, but don’t tell her in advance. Just lead her as you go so everything seems spontaneous.

Make the night adventurously rapturous. Carefully consider the convenience of the logistics and how to “make the best” out of the given time available with her.

If you’re visiting the local art gallery or museum together (for intellectual women), take turns pretending you’re an analytical art critic; but do so playfully and half-serious. Planning to go bowling? Compete for points. Winner gets free 20 minute back oil massage.

The biggest dating no no is not knowing what to do and where to go.

Practice the 5 P’s on the daily, and the results will pay dividends. For more ready-to-implement dating tips on how to get girls for men, check out my other entries on here.

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